Sunday, March 28, 2010

royal saga continues

Well got the big boy dug up and split apart. Took pictures but it seems my camera is acting out so maybe after a short respite it will behave again. Moving and dividing such a large hosta can be quite a task and why it's best done either in the early spring, I believe. First there are not any leaves to contend with and they actively growing so the perfect time to get them to produce a good root system before winter.

Now I have one of my own that needs a good breaking up. It's taking over my side yard, not that it's a bad thing, especially when they bloom. Being one of the older forms of hosta it is still a fragrant hosta. Sadly when they are hybridized for interesting leaves or flowers the fragrance is lost, just like so many of the roses and other formerly fragrant perennials.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

spreading the royal

royal standard hosta that is. There is an absolutely huge one at Jerry's house and it's time to spread it around a bit. Now is the best time to divide hosta since they are just coming up and are easy to handle. I'll post some pictures Thursday.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Oh my…

is right. I need to figure this out for clients so I might as well do one myself, eh!

Designer by day, gardener by night, oh wait it's the other way around :)

Most days I spend way too many hours behind this computer but as the weather warms up it's just too hard to stay in and there are many weeds and tasks to call me out. So lets add another piece to the puzzle that is my life!

I also answer garden related questions thru another blog,, so stop by there sometime and check out some of their great products.